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Ladies Let's Talk by Alicia 

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Ladies Let's Talk

You are stronger than you think!  

Every time that you think you can't, speak to yourself and say "I Can". That simple mindset change can sometimes make all of the difference.  

Know Your Worth

Love yourself enough to wait and not settle.  Good things come to those who wait.  Keep the faith, don't lose hope and continue to trust God even if it seems like he's forgotten.  Patience increases your faith. 

-Alicia Jackson  

Depression in Women

Affects everyone.  Don't overlook the sadness, fatigue, lack of motivation to do anything.  Get help!  You don't have to remain in this state.  There is help and there is hope.  Click here if you have questions or need direction.

Women carry alot on their shoulders because of always making sure that everyone else is taken care of.  You make sure that everything is running smoothly.  We are strong creatures so we can carry alot on our little shoulders but we must learn to also take care of ourselves. We can do alot but we can't do it all.

-Alicia Jackson 

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